
Monday, September 12, 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS Commerce Today (A Blind Peer Reviewed & Refereed Annual Journal) [Vol. XVII, Dec. 2022, ISSN: 0975-7775]

CALL FOR PAPERS Commerce Today (A Blind Peer Reviewed & Refereed Annual Journal) [Vol. XVII, Dec. 2022, ISSN: 0975-7775] Published By Faculty of Commerce Shri Jai Narain Misra PG College (KKC), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Dear Sir/Madam, Warm Greetings! It give me immense pleasure to inform you all that The Faculty of Commerce, Shri Jai Narain Misra PG College (KKC) is going to publish the next issue of Commerce Today (A Blind Peer Reviewed & Refereed Annual Journal) Vol. XVII, Dec. 2022. In this connection, we invite your original & unpublished work in the form of research paper/article/manuscript. The submitted manuscript will undergo for the blind peer review process. After that, the accepted paper will be published in the Journal. (The acceptance of paper will be intimated through e-mail.) Guidelines for Paper Submission Full length paper/article/manuscript (soft copy) in MS Word format must be sent through e-mail to or The last date of full paper submission is October 31, 2022. In case of any query feel free to contact at +91-9415462036 and +91-8303184870. Language: Papers are accepted in English language Area: Commerce/Management/Business Economics Originality: The submitted manuscript/paper/article should be the original work of contributor. The submission must accompany with declaration by the author(s) that the manuscript is his/their original work and has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. Kindly avoid plagiarism. Check your paper using any Plagiarism checking software before sending it. Abstract: The abstract should contain the paper title, name(s) of author(s), designation, organization, affiliation/position, address, ORCID ID, e-mail ID, mobile number and must be within 150-250 words including 3-5 keywords. The abstract should be placed on the top of the paper and not to be attached separately. The name of the author(s) should not appear elsewhere on the manuscript except abstract/cover page to facilitate the blind review process. Length of Full Manuscript: The length of manuscript including the abstract and references should not exceed 4,000 words. Referencing Style: APA Style Publication Fee: There is No Publication Fee Important Dates Last Date of Full Paper Submission: October 31, 2022 Regards Prof. K K Shukla Editor-in-Chief Faculty Incharge, Faculty of Commerce, Shri Jai Narain Misra PG College (KKC), Lucknow M: +91-9415462036, +91-8303184870 E-mail ID:,

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