
Wednesday, July 08, 2020

How to write Research Papers and Publish in International Journals" for Academicians.

Dear Sir/Madam,


I hope and pray that all is good with you and your family during this difficult time, as the global COVID-19 pandemic is still peaking around many countries.

I take the pleasure of inviting you to the Free Webinars.

The Department of MBA and IEM of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka is hosting a webinar on "How to write Research Papers and Publish in International Journals" for Academicians.


Date: 9th July 2020

Time: 11 AM - 12:30 PM

Register Now:


Free Registration

After successful Registration, the webinar login details will be sent to your registered email-ID a day before the Webinar.

E-Certificates will be provided to all the registered participants who take part in the Webinar



Warm Regards

Dr.C. Nanjundaswamy

Principal, Dr. AIT

Dr. G. Rajendra

Professor & Head, Dept. of IEM


For any query contact

Dr. S. Baskaran

+91 8095634499

Dr C. R. Mahesh

+91 9886814220

Dr Leela M H

+91 9632640620


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