
Thursday, July 02, 2020

Light - Properties and beyond

Dear Teachers,

We shall be back on this Sunday with the fifth episode online demonstration of science and math activities for school students and teachers. After hands-on activities, their will be question-answer session with Dr Aparna Deshphade ( faculty member of IISER Pune)


Sunday 5th July

 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM


Topic: Light - Properties and beyond!

Please see the attached poster for the event with a link to our YouTube channel ( ) where the demonstration would be streamed live. Although this program is primarily aimed for school students and teachers, parents shall also certainly enjoy this demonstration and are most welcome to join in.


The session is free and open to all. We invite you, your family members and your students to join this session.

Stay safe and take care,
- Team CoESME

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